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New Mexico's first Pollinator Protection License Plate

Announcing the New Mexico Pollinator Protection License Plate!
February 12, 2020
The New Mexico Pollinator Protection License Plate will be available soon! Brought to you by Wild Friends students, teachers, and friends who passed a bill (SB 234) at the New Mexico Legislature in 2019. The license plate features vibrant artwork of a native plant and pollinator by Albuquerque Sign Language Academy 6th grader Jazlyn Smith. Proceeds from the plates will go to the New Mexico Department of Transportation to fund planting of native flowers and grasses along state roads. The plates will cost $25 for the initial fee, and $15 for renewal each year. The plates will be available in Spring 2020 at mvd.newmexico.gov and at MVD and MVD Express offices! For more information, check out the flyer and press release. And follow “Wild Friends New Mexico” on Facebook or “Wild Friends NM” on Twitter for the latest updates!