
Wild Friends Support SB32
January 31, 2022

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The Wild Friends are working hard again this year, supporting SB32 (Correa Hemphill) to fund an outdoor classroom program at the Public Education Department. They are doing a fabulous job talking to …


Legislation for Outdoor Classrooms Passes!
April 18, 2022

Child's drawing of a large house

The Wild Friends students are proud to announce that the funding legislation they supported in SB32 (which was folded into HB2) has passed! The funding will give the Public Education Department $500,…


Wild Friends Celebrates 30+ Year Anniversary!
August 3, 2022


Can you believe it? Wild Friends is celebrating over 30 years of supporting student growth in civics and wildlife education!
We are so thankful to be able to continue empowering New Mexico's youth and …


Wild Friends Receives Gift From ExxonMobil!
October 31, 2022

exxonmobil logo

A huge THANK YOU to ExxonMobil for their generous contribution to Wild Friends again this year! Their gift helps support our program statewide and allows us to continue offering our award-winning prog…