New Book Profiles Wild Friends
December 5, 2017

The book, which highlights grassroots solutions to issues in New Mexico, includes a chapter about Wild Friends! The author, former Sen. Dede Feldman, has been a long-time supporter of Wild Friends, and sponsored some of the students' legislation in the past. Thank you Sen. Feldman!
Sen. Feldman will be signing copies of her book on Saturday, February 24 at 2pm at Mama's Minerals. Proceeds to benefit the Wild Friends! Come join us!
Read an excerpt below:
The genius of this decades-old program is its combination of civic engagement and environmental education. In an era when civics is absent from the curriculum and traditional classroom instruction is not always delivering good results, it is a ray of hope. Stephanie Sanchez started with Wild Friends in sixth grade at Polk Middle School. Now an adjunct professor of cultural anthropology at UNM, she continues to volunteer. She remembers walking down the hallway, pulling legislators aside, challenging them on the bill she was promoting and telling them, “Hey, you represent me. I’m your constituent.” Jennifer Chavez-Miller, a middle school teacher at South Valley Academy, says the whole program is “brilliant.” “To have the kids do authentic advocacy and bill drafting—it’s important work at the middle school level, and to be part of the civics process is life-changing.”
See below on how to order Sen. Feldman's book!
Another Way Forward: Grassroots Solutions from New Mexico By Dede Feldman $26.50 Paperback • 978-0-9995864-0-2 Order from: Amazon and Barnes & Noble. Hot Off the Press!! December 2017 A limited number of signed copies are available directly from the author.